Vā Kōrero: Natalie Robertson & Chelsea Winstanley

In July 2021 extended āiga of Vā Moana gathered to celebrate Natalie Robertson’s successful submission of her PhD and Chelsea Winstanley’s Artist Residency with Te Ara Poutama here at AUT. The evening was hosted in St Paul Street Gallery among Natalie’s stunning exhibition ‘Tātara e Maru Ana — The Sacred Rain Cape of Waiapu’. Tamati Patuwai and his whānau opened the space with a kava ceremony. It was a privilege to hear Natalie (Ngāti Porou, Clann Dhònnchaidh) and Chelsea (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngāi Te Rangi) share what they hold at the centre of their respective work in photography, moving image and film.

Vā Kōrero operates as a quarterly platform to support the research and practice of cluster members and our extended network. Affiliates, candidates, and wider whānau are invited to share in ceremony, food, and presentations of research; to engage with and seek support/mentorship from knowledge holders, senior academics, and artists alike.

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